Friday, 19 August 2016

Debra Oselett - System Administration

As Debra Oselett and other veteran administrators and managers know, systems administration is a crucial part of an office administrator’s role. This position involves far more than just knowing how to set up and maintain a company’s computer servers and networks. It encompasses fixing technology that breaks down, managing backups, and monitoring performance, all while maintaining a cool head.

Systems administration is one aspect of a medical practice administrator’s job, but it is one on which the operation of the office rests. There are some practical tips that those individuals responsible for systems administration should always remember. Making backup copies of vital files that have been edited and applying technology changes to a test system before permanently changing anything is a good way to avoid permanent data losses.
Administrators should also avoid making any serious program changes before they are leaving work for an extended period of time. Another intelligent step is to practice disaster recovery plans to be fully prepared if and when an actual disaster occurs. Procedures that are repeated more than three times should be automated to save time and prevent future complications.

Experienced medical practice administrators, such as Debra Oselett, are highly knowledgeable in systems administration as that is often a key component of office management. Medical administrators who are also responsible for systems administration need to be focused, attentive to details, proactive, and willing to acknowledge and examine their own mistakes. Because of the emphasis on technology in office administration, systems administration has become an important component of what makes a successful medical practice administrator.


Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Debra Oselett - Peachtree Accounting Seminars

Skilled medical practice administrators like Debra Oselett, of Rochester Hills, Michigan, are familiar with Peachtree accounting systems, software, and seminars. Because of the popularity of Peachtree, medical administrators are wise to be as familiar with the program as is possible.

Peachtree accounting courses and seminars assist medical administrators in becoming quickly accustomed to the software. Peachtree, or Sage 50, offers three distinct levels of training for administrators and managers. Beginner seminars often start with reviews of the basics, like bookkeeping. The next steps covered pertain to new company set-up to introduce and then review aspects of the program such as data file modification and entry, including employees, inventory, vendors, customers, and accounts that need to be reviewed. Other areas covered in the beginner’s seminar are: payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, inventory, and general ledger.

The intermediate Peachtree/Sage 50 course builds upon all of the previously mentioned office and accounting functions at a higher level, including sections dedicated to balancing and reviewing the aforementioned sections. The Peachtree/Sage 50 advanced seminar offers guidance on the basic and intermediate level material, but also addresses more complex subjects like security; forms, reports, and financial statements; payroll; special procedures; backup utility; and time ticket employees.

Debra Oselett and other office administrators and managers are experienced in working with the Peachtree/Sage 50 accounting systems and have used them for many years to successfully operate medical offices. Superior and meticulous accounting skills are a must for a medical practice administrator in order for the office he or she operates to be profitable and respected.


Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Debra Oselett - Meaningful Use Stages for Medicare

Experienced medical practice administrators, like Debra Oselett of Rochester Hills, Michigan, must be familiar with the Meaningful Use program, which was instituted as part of the 2009 Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). This program allows health care providers to show meaningful use of certified Electronic Health Records (EHR), which in turn earns incentive payments for eligible providers. 

The Meaningful Use program has been instituted to encourage the adoption of electronic health care records systems to create a widespread system that provides top safety, quality, and efficiency of health care in America. In order to be entitled to incentive payments, providers must do more than just adopt an electronic health records system; they must also prove the meaningful use of the system by meeting a certain number of objectives established by the HITECH Act. These incentive payments can range from $44,000 to $63,750 for Medicaid-directed meaningful use programs. Medical providers who do not adopt an electronic health record system and document meaningful use will receive less than 100% of their Medicare fee schedule for their services.

The EHR program applies to various medical statutes, one of which is Medicare. Using the Medicare Meaningful Use Incentive program will grant those monetary incentives to medical providers who have an EHR in place and have proof of meaningful use. That proof spans a range of thresholds for multiple objectives that can positively impact patient care. Those medical providers can earn up to $44,000 in incentives from the Medicare Meaningful Use program by meeting Medicare’s established criteria for five consecutive years. This program was implemented to help encourage high-quality medical practice. The EHR program have been shown to have a positive impact on the medical field, which is why so many steps have been taken to encourage it. In 2015, Medicare began penalizing those medical providers who had not implemented an EHR system by reducing those providers’ Medicare reimbursements. 

The Medicare Meaningful Use program considers the following as qualified for the EHR incentive: chiropractors, doctors of dental medicine and dental surgery, doctors of podiatric medicine, doctors of optometry, and doctors of medicine or osteopathy. This incentive program is not extended to most hospital-based providers, which are those providers with 90% or more of their services based in emergency or hospital inpatient settings. The exceptions to this rule are hospitals that are Medicare Advantage affiliated hospitals, subsection d hospitals, and critical access hospitals.

Debra Oselett and other prominent, skilled medical practice directors and administrators have a thorough knowledge of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, and especially the Medicare component and guidelines associated with it. An administrator’s familiarity with this act and its accompanying incentives can save the medical office significant amounts of money.
